Monday, October 27, 2008

Baby Friends and Misc. Playground Photos

This past month has been so wonderful for Lucas interactions. He actually PLAYS now. Not just banging things together or responding to our entertainment. He drives little fist sized cars around on the floor, takes things in and out of vessels (he especially likes to do this with dump trucks and then drive them around the room with their cargo), he can use most of the equipment at the toddler playgrounds, and he mimics our noises and faces. So much fun! This all comes at about the same time as the cooler weather in Austin so of course we spend as much time outdoors as possible. Here are a few pictures of Lucas with his baby friends: Bodie, Sufyan, and Cohen!

Check out how huge Cohen is compared to Lucas... he's 6 months old!

Actually, the photo above makes it look like he's bigger than he is. They're the same size. Cohen has about a pound on Lucas. :) Here's a more accurate representation:

1 comment:

Liz B. said...

Isn't it fun? They change so much all the time. This is really a great age. Lucas looks sooo happy!