Monday, July 26, 2010

A New Milestone?

Age 2 1/2 going on 13.... Today Lucas pushed his stool to the fridge, opened the door, took out the apple juice, opened the lid, took a swig strait from the bottle, and put the container back in the fridge. I stood nearby watching, amazed. Who is this kid? :)

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Thursday, July 8, 2010

4th of July weekend

Lucas has been pushing his bedtime back later and later this past month. No matter how early we start the settle-down routine, he doesn't fall asleep until 9pm (unless he has skipped his nap that day). One perk to this is that we knew it wouldn't wreck him to stay up to watch fireworks for the first time this year! So, out we drove to a tall hill off of Bee Caves Rd to watch the Austin Country Club's show! So much fun!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Tucson Visit

I've been so tired lately- so these next several blog posts are going to be short on written content. I think the pictures tell the story very well on their own anyway! :)
We had a fantastic visit with Meemom and Uncle Paul. It gets more and more fun to visit as Lucas gets older and can do more activities...
Like swimming,

And goofing around,
and playing in a tent (or eating a banana in a tent, as the case may be)

enjoying Paul's new puppy, Ryder,
painting rocks for the poolside border,
and sitting in the cockpit of the airplane on the ride home!
We had a great time Mom and Paul! We look forward to your visit in the fall when our baby girl arrives! :)