Thursday, October 30, 2008

12 months

We're finished the month-to-month photos! I can't believe it! Not to worry though, friendly blog-readers. This tradition will continue in an adapted manner. I'll probably take the 6 month and 12 month pictures and use those to start a biannual series that goes on FOREVER! Or at least until he won't cooperate because he's too cool for school. :) We're also doing one called the 'front door series'. Am I nerdy or what? Those photos will be available for viewing on a later blog post.

Apple Boy

Lucas goes INSANE whenever we round the corner at the grocery store and he sees the apples on the far side of the wall. As I push him in his cart closer and closer he gets more and more excited. Sometimes he has a false-start because he mistakes the tomatoes for his beloved fruit. This excitement is 10 times what we saw when he got his first balloon. I quickly weigh the apple and get our price tag before I wash it in the cosmetics area's sink and hand it over to the poor baby about to explode with apple-desire. Since he's so little and most babies don't get as many teeth as early as Lucas, he gets lots of looks, laughs and comments as he eats the entire apple all by himself.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Baby Friends and Misc. Playground Photos

This past month has been so wonderful for Lucas interactions. He actually PLAYS now. Not just banging things together or responding to our entertainment. He drives little fist sized cars around on the floor, takes things in and out of vessels (he especially likes to do this with dump trucks and then drive them around the room with their cargo), he can use most of the equipment at the toddler playgrounds, and he mimics our noises and faces. So much fun! This all comes at about the same time as the cooler weather in Austin so of course we spend as much time outdoors as possible. Here are a few pictures of Lucas with his baby friends: Bodie, Sufyan, and Cohen!

Check out how huge Cohen is compared to Lucas... he's 6 months old!

Actually, the photo above makes it look like he's bigger than he is. They're the same size. Cohen has about a pound on Lucas. :) Here's a more accurate representation:

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Happy Birthday Lucas!

We celebrated by taking a bike ride to the park for a picnic lunch and fun on the playground!

October 23rd at 10:40pm

2 days later... Lucas is a few hours old...

Wow, I'm usually not such a sentimental person. But when the evening of the 23rd approached, I began reminiscing about where I was at this time exactly one year ago. Which is a little unusual because my labor was long and difficult. You'd think I would wait to reminisce and get all misty-eyed when the 25th rolled around. Anyway, I spent the 2 days leading up to Lucas' birthday remembering every detail and all the excitement and anticipation we felt. On October 23rd, 2007, I had no feelings of impending labor whatsoever until I had what I thought were contractions (but so subtle and painless) for an hour before my water broke at 10:40pm. Usually this is the moment when things really get moving in the birthing process. We waited until 2am on the 24th to go to the birthing center. When we arrived I was already 5 cm dilated. I paced the hallway back and forth and back and forth, stopping to bend forward every time I had a contraction. At this point all the pain was in my back already. Fun fun. I remember the midwife telling me that her shift was over at 7am and that most first births take about 7 to 8 hours. She said she'd stay with us if we were about to birth our baby close to her shift-end. I thought for sure we would be! Well, I'm not sure what the hang-up was (his huge head?) but we stayed at the birthing center for 12 more hours after her shift ended and the new midwife relieved her. I had been stuck at 9 cm for 4 hours by the time Laith made the decision that it would be in my and Lucas' best interest if we just went to the hospital and got some drugs in me! Whew! The back labor was so intense that I didn't feel any contracting at all around the front of my body and it was impossible for me to relax enough to let the baby come out. The ride to St. David's hospital was miserable because I couldn't bend forward during my contractions. Luckily, even at 9 cm, they were able to give me an epidural soon after arriving and I actually fell asleep for an hour while my cervix opened the final cm. After another 5 or 6 hours of pushing, at 3:18am, Lucas arrived! I'll never forget that first moment of seeing his scrunched face. It was like time froze and went too quickly all at once. I couldn't believe he was real. That he was OUR baby! Everything else in the room became shadows and background noise and all I could see was a beautiful boy getting passed up to my arms. As much as I wanted to take it all in and burn every detail about our new baby into my mind, I was so exhausted that my body just shut down. I just physically couldn't hold him- even while lying down. I asked Laith to take him and they took a nap together. The rest of the night was a blur but it was a happy blur. As soon as I got some rest, Lucas was in my arms or Laith's arms (or Meemom's arms! She arrived that afternoon!) and never put down except for a few photos. The weight of a newborn baby in your arms is the best feeling in the world. The weight of an older, one-year-old baby in your arms is pretty darn great too. Happy First Birthday, Lucas! We love you so much!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Pumpkin Patch Boy

Though this is not our first Halloween as a family of three, this is the first one that we all will be able to enjoy together. Last year on the 31st, Lucas had just been released from the NICU the day before. Wow, how time flies. More about that on a later post...

We had a great time picking out pumpkins,

biting them,

and smacking them like bongo drums. Weee!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Lucas and Annie!

Lucas LOOOOOVES doggies and still is completely fascinated and excited by Annie. Annie loves Lucas (and the
food he drops) :)

This is from a recent trip to our favorite bookstore (Book People) where Lucas zeroed in on a big stuffed dog that looks like Annie. Weee!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Baby Photos Part 2

Still catching up...