Tuesday, May 4, 2010

More Friends

Sufyan and Lucas now have matching motorcycles and it's the cutest thing in the world to see them driving around together. Unfortunately, these two are pros at making sure they're not in the same camera frame! This was the only good pic I got of them- unfortunately not half as cute as watching them side by side! :)

Isaac (4) and Ellie (7) live down the street from us. Lucas gets really amped up playing with Ike and loves joining him in any game he thinks up. In this case, tractor riding and hide n seek in my closet (same hiding place everytime)!

Dylan is our friend Lynne's son. They live in Seattle but were visiting Austin for the week and we caught up with them at Waterloo Icehouse for dinner and playground. Dylan and Lucas seem to have very common interests and we enjoyed seeing them play together!

And finally, our old friends the Lamberts. Hugh just turned one and is walking (really well!) The kids had a lot of fun (until the curtain rod came out of the wall!) playing hide and seek in the drapes. It was fun for me to see a big benefit of siblings at such a young age- this game wouldn't have been nearly as fun without Hugh's enthusiasm at finding the kids!

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