Sunday, May 16, 2010


The other day, Lucas and his daddy (that being me) were talking about cars. I said to him "do you want to fix up an old jeep when you get older and drive it?" to which he responded "I want a Lamborghini!" Okay, we'll start saving now for your Lambo, Lucas, and maybe when YOU retire you can buy one. Lucky for him there is a Ferrari dealer less than a mile from our house, you know, exactly where you'd expect - right in between the taco shack and the vet clinic. Interesting.

So, apparently Ferrari is launching a new car and they were touring dealers in U.S., showing off the car, and Ferrari of Austin was the second dealership to show it. The dealer owner himself catered a party with wine, snacks, fancy bags with magazines about Ferraris, and a live band. The lot next to the dealer was filled with the cars from potential owners, which was almost a show on its own - Bentley, AMG, Rolls Royce, Maserati, Austin Martins. Yep, then there was Lucas and I, complete with a t-shirt, jeans, flip flops, and greasy fingers. I still don't know why no one came to talk to US about buying anything!

One of the cars there was an Enzo, of which only 399 were ever made. That is the one with gull wing doors. These models in particular trade at auctions for on average over $1,000,000. It just so happens that of those 399, two of them are in Austin, and BOTH were there that day (one belongs to the dealership owner). I ran into a guy that was telling me about the two Ferraris he owns and how he's going to buy another one. I guess you just can't have enough! :-) They really are beautiful works of art. These pictures don't do them justice, and as anyone in my family knows I've always loved these cars. The base price on the newest model was $225,000, and nicely equiped it topped $300K! I made SURE Lucas sat in that one, front and center! That's right, so whoever you are that buys that car worth more than my house, don't forget my two year old sat there FIRST! And pushed ALL the buttons while making beep beep and vroooom noises!

1 comment:

The Daddy said...

Wish I'd taken a better picture of the silver one, that was sooo cool! Lucas wanted to get inside, but someone was frowning on that idea...