Monday, June 29, 2009

Two Weeks Straight in the 100s!

And we're not talking a wimpy 101 or 102 degrees. Most of the time it's somewhere around 106 with a heat index of 110! My car thermometer reads 114 degrees after it's been parked in the shade all day! Uggghhhh! Needless to say, we have cabin fever here. It's too hot to even play in the pool- the water is too warm and the sun is too intense. The other day we played chase in a mall dept store and went up and down the escalators 63 times.
We've been going to other toddler-friend's houses.

We've been cooling off in the fountains at 8:00 in the morning (before the pools open)

And we've been eating lots of ice cream. :)

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