Friday, January 18, 2008

When will we learn?

These past 3 weeks we've gotten to know Lucas well enough that we've been able to run through his personalized list of things to make him stop fussing- but tonight nothing was working. We tried feeding him, rocking him, changed his diaper, offered the pacifier, sang to him, played with him, gave him a change of scenery and still he was squirming and crying and making sad faces. Finally, after 90 minutes of this, we heard a long, low rumble that Laith likes to call "motorcycle pants". This has happened at least 3 times before- Lucas fussing inconsolably because he's working on one of his signature 2-person hazmat poop projects. And each time we think it's something else. We even cracked open our Baby 411 instruction book to see what was wrong. But it was just good old fashioned poop. Afterwards he completely passed out and was asleep for the night. When will we learn? :)

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