Sunday, February 20, 2011

Sick Haus

All 4 of us got the plague these past 2 weeks. Laith was the first to fall, then Lucas, and then Sophie and I at the same time. The kids had it the worst- since they can't blow their noses or take any medications except for baby tylenol or ibuprofen. Lucas got a prize package of a 103 degree fever, watery-eyes, mucus-spigot nose, and incessant coughing. Soon it was Sophie's turn. She was coughing so much that she couldn't sleep and had to be held upright for all three of her 90 min naps and most of the night. And we're not talking sleeping upright on one of us while we dozed in a rocker. No, she needed us to pace and bounce with deep knee bends. There's nothing like some good sweaty exercise at 2am while you yourself have a fever and body aches! Also, she was feeding so poorly that she was hunger-crying and I was getting engorged. At it's worst, Laith and I took turns tending to each kid over a period of 4 nights- it felt like military boot camp in the sleep department. Then finally yesterday Lucas woke up cheerful and energetic, my congestion and headache started going away, and Sophie vomited big chunks of mucus out of her body and proceded to hungrily nurse for 40 minutes straight and then conked out and slept like a rock for a record-breaking 3 hour nap. So glad to all be on the mend!


Becky said...

Owh Jenna...that sounds so horrible! Elis just had his first bout of sickness with a horrible cough too, he was up several nights coughing, but I was not sick at the same time!! you are such a trooper! So glad to hear you are all feeling better, it's so hard to see the little ones sick when you can't give them much!

Anonymous said...

oh my goodness she is cute even when she cries and is sick!!!
i miss you guys a lot. get better SOON.