Sunday, February 6, 2011

Dad's Visit From Guam!

My Dad had a business trip to San Francisco and since he'd be only a 4-5 hour flight away instead of halfway around the world, he booked a flight to come visit us directly after his meetings in CA! We were so happy to have him here, show him around C-ville, and introduce him to Sophie. Lucas enjoyed playing with Granddad- and continued the fun by piling every single one of his toys on top of his jet-lagged playmate when he fell asleep on the floor! It's still quite cold outside and Sophie is still a carseat-crier, so we didn't do a whole lot of touring around (especially because there's not as much to do here in Jan and Feb), but it was nice to have some downtime and relax around the house too! Thanks for coming out to see us, Dad! It was great to spend time with you!

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