Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Pregnant bellies

I feel so much more incapacitated, heavier, and bedraggled this pregnancy compared to when I was carrying Lucas. I'm barely exercising at all because I'm so fatigued and generally feel like a big pork chop. :) With Lucas, I was doing prenatal yoga 2x a week, hiking, swimming laps, and had a great social life. However, with Lucas I was sick and nauseaus with a variety of specific food cravings/aversions whereas with this pregnancy I haven't been sick at all but have had a general aversion to food and water (ack!) and I have a severe cow dairy intolerace. It's been hard not to feel down on myself. But now that I've dug up a photo of myself 23 weeks pregnant with Lucas, and find that I'm now at 23 weeks with the Bean Sprout, I thought it would be fun to strike the same pose in the same backyard with the same outfit on. Turns out I don't look any worse- which makes me feel a whole lot better about myself. The only difference is that my belly is a bit bigger and carrying a bit higher (more like a typical boy). Pretty cool, huh? :)

......LUCAS.......................& BABY GIRL......


Amy E. said...

You look great! That's awesome that you could take almost the exact same photo. Hang in there, hopefully the food aversions will wear off soon.

Anonymous said...

I think you are so incredibly beautiful! And that is not best friend bias either. It's plain truth! I love you!

Novice Nester said...

You look amazing. And you suck for not having aged one single bit...after a toddler!! Baby Girl is going to be gorgeous (though I can't imagine a baby more beautiful than Lucas).