Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Guatemala Part 3: Chichicastenango

This is one of the biggest markets in the Highlands of Guatemala where Jill and I hoped to get some awesome deals on these beautiful crafts and textiles the locals are known for. I mostly hoped to get some really cool photos of indigenous people and lots of colors. Unfortunately, the people who live (and shop) here are very wary of westerners photographing them. I even had an old man yell at me for trying to photograph his bowl of beans for sale! So, every single one of these pictures was taken on the sly- without me looking through the viewfinder to aim or compose the image. I was lucky so many turned out in-focus! At the very end of our visit, while we were waiting for our shuttle to take us back to Antigua, a little girl came up to us to try and get a few more dollars out of the tourists. I bought some cute doll magnets and then asked if I could take her picture. Score! :)
Here she is:

1 comment:

Amy E. said...

Those colors are amazing! And those are some pretty impressive shots for being on the sly :)