Wednesday, June 25, 2008

I Eight the Baby!

Why is it that when something is so cute we want to EAT it?! Anyway, Lucas is 8 months old today and this age is proving to be the cutest yet! Here's a snapshot of our baby boy this month:

Latest skill: crawling! He's up on his hands and knees now. Watch out, world!

Skill he's working on: pincer grasp and cup drinking.

Food: bananas! (Fitting for such a monkey boy)

Toy: Anything he can bang on or bang with. He also loves empty plastic water bottles and his caterpillar stuffed animal.

Places: the great outdoors and in our arms.

Cute Behaviors:
  • Whenever we open the fridge doors, Lucas gets really excited and starts kicking his legs and panting like a puppy.
  • He tries to put his pacifier and his baby spoons in our mouths and thinks it's hilarious if we pretend to suck on them.
  • He blows raspberries when he's tired, stressed or upset and it helps soothe him. These have a vocalization behind them. He also blows short, fun raspberries with no vocalization when he's playing.
  • His favorite word is Ba-Ba-Ba-Ba-Ba etc.
  • He often hums himself to sleep.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If Ba-ba-ba is his favorite utterance, than he is definitely your kid, Jenna bear. What does a baby sheep sound like? Just ask Lucas