Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Kate and Kari's Visit!

My friend from grad school, Kari, and my new friend, Kate, came to visit this past week from Oregon. It was so great to see Kari again and finally meet her girlfriend Kate. To celebrate the arrival of these two northern girls, Austin decided to have a short stretch of really hot weather. It was in the 80's and got up to 90 one day too. Crazy- now it's back down to the high 60's. Anyway, we had a great time playing outside, had a BBQ, and they got to go see some musical acts in town for the SXSW festival. Lucas enjoyed them both- especially their funny noises and faces. It was a little tough for me because visits with Kari usually mean lots of boisterous fun and laid-back socializing packed into one day. Having a baby puts a bit of a damper on that because Lucas naps 3 times a day and eats 6 times a day and is only awake for 2 hours at a time. It's hard to schedule around that and also hard to fully relax when my mom-radar is always on. Laith was great though and watched Lucas on 2 different occasions so that we could enjoy a brunch at Whole Foods/walk on Town Lake with our friends Cheasty and Danae
and a 3 mile hike at McKinney Falls.
We're looking forward to visiting Kari and Kate in Bend this September when Lucas is napping one less nap a day, eating solids, and more able to participate in our fun!

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