Saturday, November 21, 2009

24 months

A little belated, but here it is! The last every-other-month update on The-State-Of-Lucas. We'll be moving to every 6 months after this! :)

Lucas' Favorites:

Food: salty snacks/crackers, apple juice, chicken tenders, clementines, and cheese (still loves the fancy and international cheeses)

Toys: All vehicles. Especially if he gets to make a motor sound for them while he's playing. He also loves playdough and a little ride-on tractor.

Games: Anything where we throw him on the bed, roll him up in a pillow like a burrito, or fly him around in our arms ("rocket baby")

Lucas' language continues to improve so quickly that we're amazed every day at what he can say and remember. He tells Laith all about his day when he comes home from work, likes to narrate his books, and can speak in 5 to 6 word sentences. He also is figuring out emotions and how to verbalize them and that happy, sad, and hurt don't apply to cars, toys or food. :)

We are thoroughly enjoying Lucas and seeing his personality develop more and more. We love it when he invents new games, pretends he's a kitty in the morning to get more snuggles, tries to sing along to every song, and comes up with crazy voices when he's playing pretend. He is such a delight and we look forward to seeing how he'll change in another 6 months!

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