Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Meet The New Face of Ikea

As all who are familiar with Annie know, she LOVES people. Or maybe a more accurate statement would be, "she loves people to LOOOOVE HER!" We couldn't possibly provide her with all the petting and fawning she desires so she took it upon herself to go out and get a modeling job. Now everyone who sees her and recognizes her celebrity will give her all the attention she so craves (ha ha... I just wrote "crazed" as a typo instead of craves. :) )

1 comment:

Novice Nester said...

OK, I'm such an idiot...is that really Annie?? It's not, right?

So, for some ridiculous reason I do not have your email address. After searching through my gmail, I only have your response to an evite but no address. SO, I am finally using your comment section to thank you for the muffins that you brought (uh...like a week ago now!)! They were delicious and I LOVE banana bread in any form. Thank you for thinking of us and making the 3 mile trip east :)

Beautiful photos on your blog, as usual - just beautiful!