Thursday, April 2, 2009

17 Months

I swear I combed his hair before this shot. Everything about Lucas just tends towards entropy. :)

17-month-old-Lucas' Favorites:

Foods: Cheese Pizza, Pirate Bootie Corn Puffs, dried cranberries, oranges.

Activities: Anything outdoors but particularly pushing large wheeled objects and running amok making joyful noises. Also likes to play with his stuffed animals by throwing them, jumping on them and making them dance to music.

* Called me Mama!
* Is asking us to give him words for objects and then tries to repeat after us. Has coherently said "lettuce" and "dirt" but with "W" in place of the l and r.
* First TV appearance once you get through the ad, we're 15 seconds into it. I'm wearing a cowgirl hat in case you don't recognize me and Mr. Lucas is about to eat a cupcake!

1 comment:

NikonSniper said...

excelent photos of children. that's one of the hardest areas for me. great work.