Tuesday, May 13, 2008

First Food Fotos!

At long last, I whittled down the 73 pictures we took of Lucas taking his first bites of banana to 9 images! Hope you enjoy them as much as we do! Since then he's had sweet potatoes, avocado and apples as well. He LOVES them all- he's a great eater!

Here he is checking out this new mushy substance with his hands first.

He thinks it feels kinda gross. He doesn't even consider putting it in his mouth- unlike every other thing he can get his grabby hands on!
So, we scoop some up on a spoon and shovel it in with happy noises.

Here's the response:

Wait a minute, this isn't so bad. I think I like it! Give me more!

Mmmrrraaar! Give me that spoon! This is deeelicious!
Ahhh, the joys of solids! Banana is the sweet nectar of the gods!

1 comment:

Amy E. said...

Hi Jenna,

It's Amy, Ravyn's sister-in-law. Just thought I'd say, he's too cute! I can't believe how fast he and Sufyan are growing. Nice pics, btw :)