Friday, April 25, 2008

6 months old today!

I can't believe this much time has passed. So many big changes have been happening all at once at this age. I remember having the same feeling when Lucas was 3 months old and exiting his "4th trimester". At that time he was really waking up to the world around him and starting to establish a natural routine to his day. Now at 6 months, Lucas is working hard on gaining more independent mobility and exploring EVERYTHING with his hands and mouth. He's also starting to really communicate with us in more complex ways. He has so many facial expressions, reaches for what he wants, and turns his head while using his hands to push away what he doesn't want. It's so cool. For a while now, we've been able to see if he's hungry for a bottle just by showing it to him and seeing if he reaches for it with his mouth open. Other new developments are teeth, and first solids meal! Those will be separate posts as soon as I cull through the 73 pictures (no exaggeration) that Laith and I took as he investigated smashed banana on his tray. Stay tuned for more, I have a feeling crawling is just around the corner!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Seems like not only does his body get bigger, but so does his smile! He must be really loved.