Thursday, November 18, 2010

Sophie: 1 month

At 1 month, Sophie is 20 3/4 inches (25th percentile) and 9 pounds 10 oz (60th percentile).
She wears size NB (newborn) clothing and some 0-3mo clothing. She was recently diagnosed with silent reflux which involves no spitting up (the stomach acid comes partway up and then goes back down) but does leave her with a hoarse voice, coughing, noisy wet breathing and episodes of apnea/gasping for air that looks like drowning but thankfully only lasts several seconds, and a sore esophagus that she wants to soothe with continuous nursing. The more upright we keep her (all day long), the less her symptoms. The doctor says she'll likely outgrow this by 3-6 months but it could take up to a year. Other than the discomfort she's in, Sophie is the most docile baby- she rarely cries, makes the cutest cooing sounds with each exhalation when she's content, has the softest hair, and is a great sleeper!

Sophie Likes:
* Being bundled up and warm
* Being held

Sophie Dislikes:
* Having her fingernails trimmed
* Being cold
* The sound of closing doors

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