Monday, November 15, 2010

Meemom meets Sophie

My mom came all the way clear across the entire country to meet her new granddaughter at the beginning of this month. It was 10 hours of travel and I can't believe she wasn't a complete wreck after finally arriving here! She had enough energy (or will power!) to give Lucas a big excited hello complete with bed bouncing (him, not her) :) and air tosses. He was so happy to see her and I loved hearing the squeals of delight from upstairs as I finished feeding Sophie. She brought with her lots of presents,
a warm lap,

and the provision of lots of time for me to shower, play with Lucas, and make meals with TWO hands! We had a great visit and I'm so glad my mom got to experience Sophie's "baby magic" (she instantly lowers your blood pressure and makes your heart smile as soon as you hold her!). Lucas is already talking about our next visit- he wants to go to the zoo again with Uncle Paul, give treats to their doggies, and we've told him all about the aviation museum as well! Thanks for making the long trek out here, Mom and we'll see you again soon!

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