Saturday, November 20, 2010

Lucas is Three

At age 3, Lucas is 28 pounds and 37.5 inches. He wears size 24 months/2T clothing and size 8 shoes.

During this past year Lucas has learned how to ride his balance bike (2 wheeler with no pedals), how to dress himself (most of the time), how to get his own cups/dishes/snacks and help with pouring, and how to scale the walls (literally! He stands on windowsills and tries to climb anything else with the slightest foothold). He had lots of life changes and upheaval at the end of his 3rd year with a new house, starting preschool for the first time, and a new baby sister. Though he's a boy who likes and needs routine, he's made it through these challenges wonderfully! He's growing and learning so fast, and we're enjoying every new thing Lucas does and becomes!

Lucas Likes:
* The color orange and "wheat" (light) green
* His 7 year old neighbor, Lara
* Cheese and cheese and cheese
* Chocolate
* Lining up his matchbox cars in a "parking lot"
* Painting
* Bouncing, jumping, rough-housing, climbing mommy to perch on her head "I'm an octopus!" and other crazy monkey activities.
* Outings with Daddy
* Singing. And starting to make up his own songs!
* Juice
* His baby sister (yay!)
* Taking things apart and putting them back together
* Flashlights
* Peppa the Pig cartoon
* Super Heroes
* Robots
* Spaceships

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Sophie: 1 month

At 1 month, Sophie is 20 3/4 inches (25th percentile) and 9 pounds 10 oz (60th percentile).
She wears size NB (newborn) clothing and some 0-3mo clothing. She was recently diagnosed with silent reflux which involves no spitting up (the stomach acid comes partway up and then goes back down) but does leave her with a hoarse voice, coughing, noisy wet breathing and episodes of apnea/gasping for air that looks like drowning but thankfully only lasts several seconds, and a sore esophagus that she wants to soothe with continuous nursing. The more upright we keep her (all day long), the less her symptoms. The doctor says she'll likely outgrow this by 3-6 months but it could take up to a year. Other than the discomfort she's in, Sophie is the most docile baby- she rarely cries, makes the cutest cooing sounds with each exhalation when she's content, has the softest hair, and is a great sleeper!

Sophie Likes:
* Being bundled up and warm
* Being held

Sophie Dislikes:
* Having her fingernails trimmed
* Being cold
* The sound of closing doors

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Sophie Sophie Sophie

First three weeks of Sophie...

Monday, November 15, 2010

Meemom meets Sophie

My mom came all the way clear across the entire country to meet her new granddaughter at the beginning of this month. It was 10 hours of travel and I can't believe she wasn't a complete wreck after finally arriving here! She had enough energy (or will power!) to give Lucas a big excited hello complete with bed bouncing (him, not her) :) and air tosses. He was so happy to see her and I loved hearing the squeals of delight from upstairs as I finished feeding Sophie. She brought with her lots of presents,
a warm lap,

and the provision of lots of time for me to shower, play with Lucas, and make meals with TWO hands! We had a great visit and I'm so glad my mom got to experience Sophie's "baby magic" (she instantly lowers your blood pressure and makes your heart smile as soon as you hold her!). Lucas is already talking about our next visit- he wants to go to the zoo again with Uncle Paul, give treats to their doggies, and we've told him all about the aviation museum as well! Thanks for making the long trek out here, Mom and we'll see you again soon!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Lucas and Mommy Outing

During the first week after Sophie was born, I wanted to make sure Lucas knew he was still my very loved and important boy and that we would still do fun things together. Our first mommy-son trip was to beautiful Nelson County and the Mountainside Petting Zoo. This is a family farm that takes in abandoned or sick animals and nurses them back to health. What a happy place to be an animal! Lucas enjoyed feeding the mini pony and helping bottle-feed the baby cow. His favorite things there though were the wooden train play structure and the plastic bouncy horse toy. Go figure! :)