At age 3, Lucas is 28 pounds and 37.5 inches. He wears size 24 months/2T clothing and size 8 shoes.
During this past year Lucas has learned how to ride his balance bike (2 wheeler with no pedals), how to dress himself (most of the time), how to get his own cups/dishes/snacks and help with pouring, and how to scale the walls (literally! He stands on windowsills and tries to climb anything else with the slightest foothold). He had lots of life changes and upheaval at the end of his 3rd year with a new house, starting preschool for the first time, and a new baby sister. Though he's a boy who likes and needs routine, he's made it through these challenges wonderfully! He's growing and learning so fast, and we're enjoying every new thing Lucas does and becomes!
* The color orange and "wheat" (light) green
* His 7 year old neighbor, Lara
* Cheese and cheese and cheese
* Chocolate
* Lining up his matchbox cars in a "parking lot"
* Painting
* Bouncing, jumping, rough-housing, climbing mommy to perch on her head "I'm an octopus!" and other crazy monkey activities.
* Outings with Daddy
* Singing. And starting to make up his own songs!
* Juice
* His baby sister (yay!)
* Taking things apart and putting them back together
* Flashlights
* Peppa the Pig cartoon
* Super Heroes
* Robots
* Spaceships
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