Monday, August 10, 2009


Well, Lucas' very FIRST haircut was actually just a trim. The hairdresser cut it in the same style as his baby hair- just a tad shorter. It was at a haircutting place that was just for kids with toys and cookies and other distractions. He did great.
Well, this time, I decided to bring him to a REAL barber. Though I admit it was mostly for the photo op... this place has been open since the 1930's and hasn't changed much since! I wanted to take pictures of everything in there- it was SO cool! Unfortunately, Lucas was introduced to the razor at the back of his head a little too abruptly and it was all over. Tears and trepidation ensued. The barber did the whole rest of the cut with just scissors and Lucas was nervous and sad the whole time- even as I fed him little pieces of Andies Candies while he sat in the chair. :)
His hair is a little shorter than I'd like, but at least he won't have long matted sweaty hair for the rest of the summer. I think it will look perfect in a couple of months. :)

1 comment:

The Daddy said...

Buzzzzzzzzz! Now you're a respectable young man, none of that hippie crap like your daddy!