Saturday, August 15, 2009

60 days STRAIGHT in the 100s!!!

We still have a month and half left of the miserably hot part of summertime. The temperature is regularly in the triple digits through the end of September and sometimes into the first week of October. So, we've been trying to get creative with staying cool, burning off toddler energy, and making it through the season with as little cabin fever as possible. Here are a few of our current favorites:

Playing at the mall: Escalators! balls! (he doesn't know these are GUMballs), fountains! And hide and seek/chase-the-baby in the luggage section of the department stores!

Riding the wagon while sitting in a tub of cold water:

Playing outdoor games while indoors:

Iceskating! This was Lucas' first time. We knew he wouldn't last long (5 min), but we really really wanted to get him out there because how cute is this??

Breakfast Picnic! (because it's way too hot to eat outdoors for any other meal)

1 comment:

Amy E. said...

I love the pic of him in the tub of cold water in the wagon. Too funny (and creative)! He looks so grown up in the last one. Hope you guys have some relief from the heat soon.