Friday, May 13, 2011

First Food!

Sophie's been dying to try what's on our plates at dinnertime these past couple of weeks so we got out the old blender and whipped up some avocado puree. Here she is, wide-eyed in anticipation about to taste what she's been flapping her arms for these past several days.
"Ughhhh. This is NOT what I was expecting"
But like a goldfish with the 3-seconds-long short-term memory, she opens her mouth for MORE!
"Weee! I'm so excited to eat what's on this spoon! I wonder what it will taste like!!"
"Ummm. Not my favorite flavor. Bleh"

3 seconds later: "What's that on the plate, Daddy?!! Feeeed me!!!"
"Hauuuppppf yum yum"
"Oh. It's that again."
"Guess what everyone, I'm eating fooooooood!"


Novice Nester said...

Sooooo sweet! She looks just like Daddy!

Anonymous said...

this is hilarious.
i love the faces she is making...she's so cute I want to reach into the computer and squeeze her!