Teething on a snake head :) that Laith made in a wood whittling class in 2000.

Enjoying the end-of-April weather that's finally warm enough for a sundress!

Sophie still loves grabbing her feet!

This photo was taken before she started getting stronger and squirmier. She's pretty much stuck in that dumptruck!

Lucas' bedroom gets the best windowlight for photographing their lovely faces

Lucas grubby-faced and sad (don't remember why, but his pouty face is pretty darn cute!)

Lucas' FIRST recognizable representational drawing!! In classic Lucas fashion, he waited to attempt (actually- resisted... I'd been encouraging drawing faces as soon as he could draw a circle 6 months ago!) a drawing of a person until he knew he could do it well! :)

Sophie loves helping Lucas with art projects

Lucas' favorite games involve super heroes

Visiting with Aunt Jill while we were in NoVa for Easter

Squeezable baby!

More collaborative art work!

This month Lucas learned how to balance long enough to lift his feet up for the duration of his downhill coasting! Next step: a 2 wheeler with pedals!

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