Sunday, February 13, 2011

Sophie Session: 4 months

Height: 24.5 inches
Weight: 14 pounds 2 oz
Clothing size: 6 months

Wow, the books aren't kidding when they call the first 3 months of a baby's life the 4th trimester. This past month Sophie has gone from a bundled-up, easily-startled papoose to a vibrant, curious, kicky baby girl of the world! So many changes to report in the past 30 days! She reaches for and successfully grasps ring toys and our noses, rolls from back to front, is starting to explore using her voice, laughed her first big belly laugh at her brother, has either started teething or just flipped the switch on her drool-maker and is intense about gnawing on things, and can sit independently for 10-ish seconds propped on her hands. Her personality is still as it always was from fetus-hood (mellow, docile and sweet), but she is just so much more alert and fun! Looking forward to the next month, Sophie!


Karen said...

She is so beautiful!!!

Anonymous said...

she is so beautiful Jenna.