Thursday, February 3, 2011

A Day in the Life in January

This was taken in the beginning of the month when her reflux was still so bad that she often had to sleep like this. Thank goodness it's under control now with medication and diet (no casein/dairy). Wearing her CUTE onesie from Aunt Chris (Jill's mom). I like this color on her!

Sophie started teething at the end of the month... SO not fair that she's too young to be able to hold her own teether! Poor Sophie!

But she's not too young for her first motorcycle ride!!

We've been going to the downtown pedestrian mall a lot- and this time was a little too late in the evening for our nap-skipping baby lion.

And Lucas isn't too big for Sophie's infant seat! :)

I've also been taking Lucas to Chick-Fil-A about once a week. We go straight from preschool to lunch. We like it because it's been soooo cold outside and they have an indoor playscape.

Lucas loves his dress-up costumes! Today I have a doggie.

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