Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Le Artiste

Another stage of childhood that we've been looking forward to ever since Lucas was born... art! Lucas is really into chalk, markers, crayons and paint- though his attention span is still pretty limited. He also enjoys naming the colors and can say/point out blue, pink, red and purple and black.

We're also enjoying watching him investigate a magic marker's full spectrum of uses... :)
The microphone on my cameraphone is broken but this is a cute video anyway. If you watch till the end you'll see his happy dance!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Meet The New Face of Ikea

As all who are familiar with Annie know, she LOVES people. Or maybe a more accurate statement would be, "she loves people to LOOOOVE HER!" We couldn't possibly provide her with all the petting and fawning she desires so she took it upon herself to go out and get a modeling job. Now everyone who sees her and recognizes her celebrity will give her all the attention she so craves (ha ha... I just wrote "crazed" as a typo instead of craves. :) )

Chronicles of Cute

Monday, July 20, 2009

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Lucas' New Obsession

This was such a cool thing to see: The lady peacock walks by, acting all coy and like she doesn't care a bit about the showy display. So Mr. Peacock says "hey look at me!" by doing a full 360 turn and then shaking his full set of feathers at her. The sound of all that rustling is surprisingly loud- like the beating wings of a flock of fifty birds taking off. This continues with Lady Peacock walking around (usually looking away from Mr. Peacock) and Mr. Peacock putting on his song and dance routine for nearly 30 minutes! I couldn't resist taking tons of photos.

Lucas LOVED the peacocks and made maaaaw mawwww noises to imitate them the whole rest of the day. The very next morning he woke up and immediately asked to go back to the Gardens to see them again.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Kitchen Progress

Lucas likes to help
It took 3 big guys to lift the granite countertop!
Lucas cried a little when we put the pantry drawers in and he no longer had this little nook.
Ta da!

Things are looking better and better! We're looking forward to putting up the upper cabinets next!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Typical Scene From 5:30am

Why oh why are you such an early early early bird, Lucas?

Monday, July 6, 2009

Photo Shoot With 2Megapixel CameraPhone

Lucas and I went downtown to the 2nd St District to drop off some gear at the studio and since it was early and we had the place to ourselves, I felt inspired to trot Lucas around to some of my favorite backgrounds/locations that I use for client photo sessions. Lucas wasn't quite as easy to get a smile or a 'certain look' out of, and I only had my crappy camera phone to shoot with (which has a few seconds of delay after each shot), but we had a good time running through construction tunnels, playing on fountain stepping stones, and eating at Austin Java for lunch. Here are some of my favorites from our "shoot". :)

Friday, July 3, 2009

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Aliens In Austin!

I found this (totally unedited) accidental shot on my camera phone. Crazy, right!? The phone has taken some distorted photos in the past (like elongated objects at the edge of the screen), but this one takes the cake!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Lucas can blow bubbles (if he doesn't try to lick the wand first!)