Sunday, July 19, 2009

Lucas' New Obsession

This was such a cool thing to see: The lady peacock walks by, acting all coy and like she doesn't care a bit about the showy display. So Mr. Peacock says "hey look at me!" by doing a full 360 turn and then shaking his full set of feathers at her. The sound of all that rustling is surprisingly loud- like the beating wings of a flock of fifty birds taking off. This continues with Lady Peacock walking around (usually looking away from Mr. Peacock) and Mr. Peacock putting on his song and dance routine for nearly 30 minutes! I couldn't resist taking tons of photos.

Lucas LOVED the peacocks and made maaaaw mawwww noises to imitate them the whole rest of the day. The very next morning he woke up and immediately asked to go back to the Gardens to see them again.

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