Saturday, February 16, 2008

Mama Hormones, Sheesh!

I was at the gym this morning, running on the treadmill, hoping to go a full mile at 9 minute pace when a commercial came on the little TV that's built into the machine. I have no idea what it was advertising, but it had a cute little girl who snook her stuffed monkey doll into her dad's briefcase before he left for a business trip. Her dad took pictures of the monkey at a meeting and various other places while he was gone- transmitting the images back to his wife and daughter instantly. Then when he came home he took a picture of the monkey in front of their home and the daughter comes running outside to hug her dad. It's not even a mother-son moment (which I would obviously relate to more) and I'm crying while I'm gasping for breath mid-stride. Arghhh. I wonder what my neighbor treadmill runners thought- that I was so tough that I ran until I cried? That I'm crazy? That I'm a hormone-riddled new mommy? That would be a good guess. :)

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