Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Sophie Sessions: ELEVEN months!

Closing in on ONE YEAR!!

Lots of developmental leaps and bounds again this month!

* She's said her first words: "Dadadadadada" for Laith and I, and "ball" for her favorite toy of all eternity and back. This little girl is obsessed with any kind of ball!

* She's cruising and pushing our coffee table around the family room as a do-it-yourself walker. :)

* She's also started to become much more animated and clear about what she wants and doesn't want and will protest when she's unhappy about a choice we've made for her (though it's only a one or two second long squawk, so she's still quite easy-going!)

* She initiates games now- like chasing her, peekaboo, etc.

* She loves trying to put hats and shoes on herself- cutest thing ever to watch!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

she looks a lot like Lucas here! I CANNOT believe she is almost a year!