Latest developments:
* Sophie tried her first solid pureed foods this past month (avocado, sweet potato, apple and peach). And didn't care for any of them. She'll take 3 or so spoonfuls before she gets upset with the constant bad tastes being offered to her.
* She positively DELIGHTS in Lucas' attention. She squawks happily every time she gets to do something with him (hide under the sheet together! Read a book together! Sit in the laundry basket together!) The cutest thing in the world is hearing Lucas explain something to Sophie or ask her to watch him do something the same way he would a verbal peer.
* Sophie is now officially mobile. But not in the way you'd think. She's nowhere close to crawling but manages to roll wherever she wants to go! I first discovered this after leaving her on a blanket in Lucas' room while I ran downstairs to get my phone. Where's Sophie? Oh, there she is, over by the closet!

25 1/2 inches, 30th percentile
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