Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Sophie Session: 5 months

Just in time for her to turn 6 months: Sophies' 5 month photo session gets published! Ha ha. I'm taking these photos on-time, but I just hadn't been able to get them up on the blog because I'd had no free time to get on the computer during our "Winter of the Vincent Plague and Eternal Wakefulness". :)
So, without further ado, Sophie at 5 months!

This past month (up until she turned 5 months old), Sophie:
* has fallen in love with her own feet and grabs them any chance she can get.
* has spent most of this month sick
* has become VERY interested in new sounds and sights. She can't eat or sleep with any kind of visual or auditory input. I call her room with black-out shades her 'sensory deprivation chamber'.
* has started to delight in splashing at bath-time. I can no longer bathe her in the sink without drenching the entire bathroom.
* LOVES books. As soon as I open a page for her, she pedals her legs and waves her arms and lunges her face for the pictures. She gets so energized and excited about books, that we can't read bedtime stories. It's just not a relaxing activity for her! :)

And how in the world was I supposed to decide between all these cute photos for her baby-in-a-box picture? Cuteness overload!

1 comment:

jillian said...

She's getting so big!!! So cute and squishable :) I can't wait to see her again! (and you!)