Monday, February 21, 2011

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Sick Haus

All 4 of us got the plague these past 2 weeks. Laith was the first to fall, then Lucas, and then Sophie and I at the same time. The kids had it the worst- since they can't blow their noses or take any medications except for baby tylenol or ibuprofen. Lucas got a prize package of a 103 degree fever, watery-eyes, mucus-spigot nose, and incessant coughing. Soon it was Sophie's turn. She was coughing so much that she couldn't sleep and had to be held upright for all three of her 90 min naps and most of the night. And we're not talking sleeping upright on one of us while we dozed in a rocker. No, she needed us to pace and bounce with deep knee bends. There's nothing like some good sweaty exercise at 2am while you yourself have a fever and body aches! Also, she was feeding so poorly that she was hunger-crying and I was getting engorged. At it's worst, Laith and I took turns tending to each kid over a period of 4 nights- it felt like military boot camp in the sleep department. Then finally yesterday Lucas woke up cheerful and energetic, my congestion and headache started going away, and Sophie vomited big chunks of mucus out of her body and proceded to hungrily nurse for 40 minutes straight and then conked out and slept like a rock for a record-breaking 3 hour nap. So glad to all be on the mend!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Sophie Session: 4 months

Height: 24.5 inches
Weight: 14 pounds 2 oz
Clothing size: 6 months

Wow, the books aren't kidding when they call the first 3 months of a baby's life the 4th trimester. This past month Sophie has gone from a bundled-up, easily-startled papoose to a vibrant, curious, kicky baby girl of the world! So many changes to report in the past 30 days! She reaches for and successfully grasps ring toys and our noses, rolls from back to front, is starting to explore using her voice, laughed her first big belly laugh at her brother, has either started teething or just flipped the switch on her drool-maker and is intense about gnawing on things, and can sit independently for 10-ish seconds propped on her hands. Her personality is still as it always was from fetus-hood (mellow, docile and sweet), but she is just so much more alert and fun! Looking forward to the next month, Sophie!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Quotes from Lucas

"I need to put warm Mommy hands on my feelings because I hurt my feelings"

"Don't say 'potty', Mommy. I'm a big boy now. You can say 'toilet'."

While looking downwards with frowny face: "I wished I could be brown and tall but instead I'm tan and small."

Upon seeing some cauliflower on his dinner plate: "I don't care for this, Mommy. Thank you though!" Hmmm. Hard to argue when you say it so nicely like that, Lucas!

Lucas has been sick and developed a hoarse voice. From out of nowhere on the drive to school he informed me: "I'm running low on power. That's why my voice sounds like this."

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Dad's Visit From Guam!

My Dad had a business trip to San Francisco and since he'd be only a 4-5 hour flight away instead of halfway around the world, he booked a flight to come visit us directly after his meetings in CA! We were so happy to have him here, show him around C-ville, and introduce him to Sophie. Lucas enjoyed playing with Granddad- and continued the fun by piling every single one of his toys on top of his jet-lagged playmate when he fell asleep on the floor! It's still quite cold outside and Sophie is still a carseat-crier, so we didn't do a whole lot of touring around (especially because there's not as much to do here in Jan and Feb), but it was nice to have some downtime and relax around the house too! Thanks for coming out to see us, Dad! It was great to spend time with you!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

A Day in the Life in January

This was taken in the beginning of the month when her reflux was still so bad that she often had to sleep like this. Thank goodness it's under control now with medication and diet (no casein/dairy). Wearing her CUTE onesie from Aunt Chris (Jill's mom). I like this color on her!

Sophie started teething at the end of the month... SO not fair that she's too young to be able to hold her own teether! Poor Sophie!

But she's not too young for her first motorcycle ride!!

We've been going to the downtown pedestrian mall a lot- and this time was a little too late in the evening for our nap-skipping baby lion.

And Lucas isn't too big for Sophie's infant seat! :)

I've also been taking Lucas to Chick-Fil-A about once a week. We go straight from preschool to lunch. We like it because it's been soooo cold outside and they have an indoor playscape.

Lucas loves his dress-up costumes! Today I have a doggie.