Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Fun Zone!

Before I even fed the coin machine to start the ride, Lucas was in LOVE with this thing. He patted and named each horse, and sat on the back of each one for a few seconds before becoming so overcome with excitement at the prospect of riding a different horse that he hopped off and tried out another one.

Wow, this carousel was so FAST! At first I thought maybe there was a malfunction in the spinning mechanism but Lucas was enjoying it so I didn't worry. In fact, we paid the machine 3 times and spent a grand total of 45 minutes playing on this thing and STILL had difficulty saying bye bye to the horsies.

Here he's either hugging the 'fun zone' because he loves it so much or he's pooped out from all the excitement. :)

1 comment:

Novice Nester said...

Hi! I love the facelift you gave your blog! Very cool - how did you do that? The pictures are amazing, as usual. It looks like you guys have nothing but solid fun all day long. And you ARE lucky to have the super-tight mama friend connection across the street. So nice...

Thank you for all of the helpful comments on my blog. I was going to email you but I cannot find your email in my gmail for some reason - it's so weird!?! Will you email me at, and will you send me your DO's contact info? Hope you're enjoying the rain and getting lots of fun pics!