I know it's been more than a week since Lucas turned 9 months old- I'm a bit behind. This photo was taken at the 9 month mark but it took me a while to cull through the 30 or so images from this session to find a picture that would work with the rest of the "1 year by the month" series I've been shooting of him. He's going to be REALLY hard to pose for month 10 11 and 12, I can tell you that! We barely got this one for month 9! Mr. Explore and Squirm and Climb and Reach didn't want to sit still!
Lucas has been so much fun at this age. He can eat a lot of the same foods that we're eating for meals so no special prep other than dicing and fork-mashing, he makes up games for us to play with him (watch me stand up at the window sill and then I'll fall down and then you laugh at me and come tickle me!), he crawls all over the house and is starting to stand unsupported (for only a second though). Not interested in walking yet. Just standing and cruising. He lets us know what he wants (or that he's excited) by panting like a puppy- it's kind of like playing the 'warm, getting warmer, hot hot!' game. The panting and leg-kicking gets more intense the closer we carry him towards his requested item. We try and use signs and words as much as possible with him but I think he's happy with his current communication methods and his favorite (and pretty much only) sound is still ba ba ba. It's awfully cute to watch so we're not complaining. :) I'll post some excited leg-dancing videos soon.
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