Lucas got his first shots today. We decided to split the immunizations between two visits (3 weeks apart) to minimize side effects and it's a good thing because after that first needle went into his cute chubby thigh and he started to cry big alligator tears, I wanted to swoop him up into my arms right away. If we were doing the standard vaccination schedule, I would have had to watch him get jabbed 3 more times after that. Luckily it was just one more and I could hold him and comfort him right away. I'm so attached to Lucas and so protective of him that I have a new appreciation for the strength and restraint my parents showed as I was growing up and they let me go out and experience the world. I had more independence than most of my peers and I think I really benefitted from that. Hopefully I'll be able to be the same way with Lucas- but while he's a little baby, I'm going to be quite the mama bear. :)
For all those who care about such things, here are Lucas' stats:
height: 23 1/2 inches (60th percentile for a 2 1/2 month old)
weight: 12 pounds 11 ounces (also 60th percentile)
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