Monday, December 10, 2007


Here I'm working on holding my head up- I'm doing pretty good here since my mommy had to use a slow shutter speed to get this photo in my dim room- and look, no blur from movement! Here you can see how cute I am when I'm not squinting!
Here I am sporting the soft and comfy hooded sweater that great-grandma Dolores knitted for me. I think this is a good color on me- accentuates my blue blue eyes!
All this modeling can wear me out- mommy won't even stop taking pictures when I close my eyes!
This is the 'pursed-lips face' I make if someone tries to offer me something to suck on and I don't want it,
Hey, Annie, how did your photo get in here? Well, okay- I guess you qualify for this blog post entitled "cuteness" too!

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