Sunday, February 28, 2010

Why I Love Age 2

1. Totally out of the blue and unprompted, Lucas told me he loved me for the first time last week! And now he'll often tell both Laith and I that he missed us (with a big hug) whenever we're reunited after a time away (like at work).

2. He can tell us what he dreams about at night, though for the past 3 weeks the answer has been "helicopters up in the sky" and "lots of trucks... blue trucks, red trucks, silver trucks, green trucks, creamy trucks, purple trucks..." :)

3. It's so fun to see Lucas experiment with his *usually* conflicting desire to do two things at the same time:

4. Even though Lucas' language skills are quite good- with proper grammar, pronouns and long sentences, I still love hearing remnants of babyhood with certain words: Smoothie= "Foofie" and Scoobie Doo= "Kipshee Doo"

5. He can do so many things by himself now. He doesn't need help with feeding, sitting at the table, getting into his car seat, or other daily tasks such as climbing on top of a toy truck!

6. I love finding evidence of playtime all over the house

7. He's gotten really good at identifying emotions and will tell us when he is mad, scared, surprised, or happy. He's also realized he'll get extra affection if instead of saying he's sad, he says he's a sad kitty.

8. He's so fun to play with- Lucas really enjoys interacting with us and with other kids. He can make up stories and games, and so much wants to engage with his friends.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Motorcycle Mania

I wouldn't be exaggerating if I had to guess that Lucas spends a total of 4 hours a day on his motorcycle. He takes it with him everywhere- though we had to say no to riding it in grocery stores and sleeping with it in bed! He does a great job maneuvering and staying close to me when we're at Home Depot and he's got some fantastic downhill skills! "Mommy, I can ride fast!" :)

Here he is riding along with the runners at the 3M half marathon. Go Lucas go! :)

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Good Morning!

Every morning we hear little stomping feet (he's not very sneaky!) run out of his bedroom, close his door behind him, and come into our room. He's so cute and cuddly and smiley and silly and he's the best alarm clock we've ever had! :)

Friday, February 5, 2010

A Toddler's Work

Busting open Texas Mountain Laurel pods to collect their red beans is a very important task. Lucas spent an hour with his little hammer, pounding away at the pod shells and sorting the various beans into his overall pockets. Each time he opened a new one he'd exclaim, "Wow!" or "Red berry!" He was excited every single time. :)