Laith, Lucas and I spent 5 wonderful days in Tucson for Christmas this year. Lucas is at just the right age to be totally in awe of all the material things surrounding the holiday...He had so many fun experiences here. He learned how to operate the electric train,
He got his first carpentry lessons (Paul MADE this wooden peg toy for him in 10 minutes!)
He got lots of great gifts, and he baked cookies with Meemom! Laith took these baking photos by the way- I love these shots he got! And Sierra got a treat too! Lucas loved playing with Paul and snuggling with Meemom Thanks for making our visit so wonderful with all the gifts, activities, and babysitting Mom and Paul!
Since I procrastinated like crazy on family Christmas photos and also didn't ask anyone at the studio do shoot it for us, we were on our own with the self-timer feature and a tripod for our pictures this year! I think they turned out pretty cute given the circumstances! :)
Daddy's arrival home is such a celebration- Lucas goes running to see him when he comes through the door and he gets so wound-up that it's hard to settle down for dinner. They are both so happy to see eachother! It makes me laugh that they are both dressed the same here. It's a hassle to put pants on a squirmy toddler after diaper changes so Laith just leaves them off Lucas when we're at home. Apparently Laith's own pants are a hassle too! :)
The last page of one of Lucas' favorite books (and one of my favorites as a little girl too!) has a picture of the main character holding hands with his friend as they go out to play together. The other day, Lucas pointed to one boy and said "Lucas" and the other boy and said "Sufyan". It is so sweet that Lucas sees Sufyan as his best friend at such a young age. It's almost like he has a sibling. He knows he's not a lone kid- he has a partner. And that makes me so happy.